Sunday 28 April 2013

Final Body of Work

In my final body of work, I have chosen to go with six final images to represent my project's concept. I feel as though I have reached the epitome of my results as I have refined my process through reshooting with ideal settings. My previous photo shoots were successful and acceptable, but I wished to better my process and create higher quality images - this is because the previous shoots I took of all the head and shoulders, whereas these final shoots I positioned the camera at a precise distance from each subject whilst shooting in the homes of each subject. Through my final showcase, you can see the transformation between the before and after, each representing the person they are in their homes and while they are relaxed, and then the dressed up 'best' version of themselves, the version they believe they should be when going out to various social occasions like clubs and bars. Please take time to examine and appreciate the differences they behold, so that you may benefit the stories behind each change.

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