Monday 7 April 2014

Project Direction: Dungeness (Photoshoot #3)

My project has developed dramatically since the initial start of shooting. I have found myself reshooting time and time again refining which images are going to be pinnacle to my idea, and this means discarding a lot of images that I feel would have been liked by the audience, but due to their more aesthetically pleasing nature I have had to cut them out.

Dungeness was the next location on the list to visit, and sure enough I made a day out of it, providing myself with plenty of material. Here is a small collection of some of the shots I had taken:

These images are unedited, the only modifications would have been in-camera as they saved as a RAW and JPEG. This is only a small fraction of the roughly 1000 photographs that I had taken. A refined pick, if you will. But even then all of my favourites are not present.

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