Monday 28 April 2014

Heather Angel: Macro Nature

The development of my project has come to a pinnacle point of defining the close-up shots with the far-away shots in an attempt to fuse them together for a diptych style. This was made more apparent as my tutorials went on, and it was up to me to find a way of looking objectively at nature's subjects on the ground, and therefore I needed some visual inspiration. I soon stumbled upon Heather Angel, whose work greatly captured the intricate details within nature at a macro level. 

As you can see above, Angel has captured vibrant colours without completely saturating the frame and distracting from the subject itself. The slightly obscures shapes of nature have been made more prominent in this work, and it's something I wish to incorporate into what I'm doing for my final edit as I pick the final images for my own project.

Angel perfectly captures the fragile patterns and details within nature and showcases them without distractions. Although the black background suits the photograph, I believe in shooting on location without tampering with the subject at hand - this will mean blurry backgrounds, as successful macro shots often means having a shallow depth of field.

The beautiful patterns within these above images show a central focus where leading lines naturally flow towards. These carefully planned captures show a truly observant eye for nature, especially within macro photography. These weird and wonderful life forms are the exact subjects I have been on the hunt for whilst out trudging around the energy facility locations.

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