Sunday 27 April 2014

Design Process: Logo Redesign

As part of my project development, we are required to resubmit professional practice associated items which include branding and relevant forms etc that all stem from a design brand. Thankfully, I have completed such a task, my design brand is all branching out from my newly modified logo below. As you can see, I've kept the same yellow colour and general concept but I've gone back and attempted to bring it in up into a more professional use of text and placement. 

I replaced the original font which was Century Gothic into something a little more universal and attractive. Helvetica was my choice, and I felt like it fit the design a bit more after plenty of reflection upon my submitted work from last year. It's also much more of an industry standard. I have also gone ahead and created two versions of my logo to save myself the trouble of limiting the alignment to one side of the page, so I have this version below too.

I have mathematically designed the new rectangular-styled yellow bubble which stems from the square logo, with the bottom protrusion being a perfect 45-degree angle where it sits. The size of the triangle will also perfectly fit into the carved out space of the opposite corner where the smaller black triangle sits. The black triangle purely sits there to keep the rectangular feel of the whole yellow block. All of this work has been built upon the unchanging square logo (top-right, bottom-left), as I felt this design was successful in what it was attempting to achieve. The logo itself can sit on a photo as a watermark wherever appropriate without having to display any words.

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